The Celtic triquetra symbol has been used by Christians as a sign of the Blessed Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), since ancient times.
Dr Willson aligns herself with this belief system and identifies with this representation of the symbol, where a circle goes through the three interconnected loops of the triquetra, representing God Almighty’s love around the Holy Trinity.
The circle also emphasizes the unity of the whole combination of the three elements, such as we see in Homeopathy: (Mind, Body and Soul) therapy and the use of natural remedies sourced from (Plant, Mineral and Animal)
Biopuncture is the use of injections (intra-dermal, subcutaneous, intra-muscular or intra-articular) containing micro doses of bio-therapeutics. These bio-therapeutics are medicinal products comprising varying components of botanical substances, vitamins, minerals and low dilution homoeopathic remedies compounded and dispensed in ampoules. The ampules are manufactured under strict Pharmacopoeia protocols, mostly in Germany. Biopuncture is used to help regulate inflammatory processes in the body, stimulate natural healing and aid in detoxification. The main aim of treatment using Biopuncture is to have a local effect (i.e. at the site of injection) as well as to improve the body’s own intrinsic ability to heal and thus have a more global effect on the patient’s health.
Registered Homeopaths are by their scope of practice qualified diagnosticians. The Homeopathic case taking appointment involves the insightful gaining of relevant information. Dr Willson will enquire as to the medical history of the patient, asking lots of questions. A physical diagnostic clinical examination will be performed where appropriately necessary. If required, then further pathology lab tests will be performed as well as X-Rays/Sonars if necessary. All information is assimilated and the appropriate medication will be prescribed. All consultations and medicines are billed at Medical Aid Rates.
We have a state of the art, professional dispensary.
All homeopathic remedies are dispensed from here in various forms: tinctures; drops; creams; powders; pillules; granules or injections.
We also prescribe and dispense, where appropriate, various neutriceutical supplements.
Holistic practitioners are well versed and trained in assisting with a variety of lifestyle advice and modifications.
We can help you with a professional, monitored and personalized detox.
Dr Willson also has a very keen interest in Academic Stress. She believes that so many scholars and students are not able to adequately manage their stress. Subsequent exam results are therefore not a true reflection of their ability. Homeopathy can be of real assistance. Academic Stress was the subject of Dr Willson’s research as part of her Master’s degree. Click here to read her research paper.
DNAlysis offers a personalised approach to diet, nutrition, and exercise advice according to your unique genetic make-up.
We offer the analysis of:
Live blood analysis, also known as Nutritional microscopy or Darkfield microscopy, is fundamentally the analysis of living blood under a powerful microscope, connected to a camera.
The condition and quality of one’s red blood cells, has a direct impact on one’s present and future health. Live blood analysis is especially useful in preventative healthcare.
A drop of blood is examined under a special microscope which has both dark-field and bright-field options. Very quickly one can see nutritional deficiencies, which organs are stressed, heavy metal toxicities, and imbalances in acidity or pH. The toxic effects of a typical Western lifestyle can easily be demonstrated. This is not a diagnostic tool but serves to confirm that which is already suspected, and serves to monitor and demonstrate progress, and response to treatment.
With live blood analysis, the patient can see directly the abnormalities that need correction, and is involved with the discussion of the rationale and need to make the corrections.
Another test often performed in conjunction with live blood analysis is called layered dried blood analysis or Oxidative Stress test. A drop of blood is pressed onto a slide to make 8 consecutive smears, and allowed to coagulate and dry. The patterns of coagulation reveal further information about the state of the terrain, and signs which corroborate information already revealed by the live blood analysis.
Live Blood Analysis is done as part of a consultation. Appointments are required for this service.
Homeoprophylaxis means the use of homeopathic nosodes OR homeopathic remedies for disease prevention.
The HP Program is designed for those who have made the decision to NOT VACCINATE their children or themselves, but who would like to have a safe alternative method of disease prevention.
Homeoprophylaxis (HP) has a 90% effectiveness rating in clinical studies.